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New! for iMOVe is work related to building inclusive economies with unique, culturally-appropriate learning opportunities about how co-operation and the co-op model can be used to solve problems in marginalized and racialized communities.​
This work is related the 2nd cornerstone in iMOVe's programming: Helping marginalized and racialized people to access meaningful, decent work.

Learning about Co-ops: What We Do
Learning about Co-ops: Clients

This Co-op Learning Project was funded in part by the Government of Nova Scotia and Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism & Heritage through their Vibrant Communities Program.
Learning about Co-ops: Meet the Team

Funding for this project was also provided by the Catherine Donnelly Foundation who believes that by working collectively we can eliminate homelessness and ensure decent affordable housing, restore our climate in a just and equitable fashion and help the marginalized and those experiencing poverty empower themselves through community based adult education.
Learning about Co-ops: Meet the Team

Learning about Co-ops: Contact
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